Year: 2024

SLJ Manaiakalani Activity 2.0

LI: in order to do one of the SLJ activites, register and sign in.

Today I decided to do another SLJ activity, this time i created a origami fish, to be exact the measurement of the paper had to be 10 – 15 cm but i just used a normal coloured paper. I started off by going on the SLJ web named ““. I found the link to the activity called origami fish, i decided to start off with the tutorial for the hard origami fish, i copied off the video and came up with my results, the picture’s above.

I found this activity fun and interesting because it was difficult to follow the tutorial but i do love a great challenge.

SLJ Manaiakalani Activity

LI: in order to do one of the SLJ activites, register and sign in.

Today our class decided to do some SLJ/Summer Learning Journey activites, and not just any SLJ activity, we did a interesting activity that we had to make a poster of warning people to be safe around revolting sea creatures, for example: we all made our own poster about our safety around the water. We first attempted to register in the web named “” with our own accounts. Then we picked to do the stonefish poster activity which is in the “Weekly Activites” section and then we got some hints and a great start off, thanks to Mrs.Tele’a’s mother, and her video. and then thats when we started to make a copy of the template to make our posters, for example: look at the picture of my poster above.

I found this activity interesting because of learning something new about sea creatures.

Why Is Sleep So Important?

LI: to explain why sleep is important.

This week our class learnt about why sleep is important. We started off by getting in groups of 3 and 2, which I paired with Matheus and Maurice. we learnt that sleeping depends on how old you are, for example: if your 6 -12, you need 9 – 12 hours of sleep. When we finished doing research and taking notes about why sleep is important, we decided to make a DLO about why is sleep important, to put all our information we learnt, all into the google drawing. Once we added our information in the DLO, we decided to decorate the google drawing with tools. When we finished we made it more interesting by putting links on our DLO that take you to websites, filled with information of why and how much sleep do humans and animals need.

I found this activity important and helpful, because it is important for our health, especially when you have to deal with epilepsy, or seizures, and that our DLO would be helpful for people that are unsure about their health.

Kiihingi Tuheitia Unity

LI: to research about the Legacy of our maori kings and queen.

This week our class learnt about the legacy of our maori kings and queens. We all got into groups of 2’s and 3’s to research and find some information about the new maori queen carry our legacy, Kuini Nga wai hono i te po. So i paired with Mason and Aliyan. This lucky maori women was chosen to be the new maori queen to carry her father’s legacy, which her father was Kiingi Tuheitia. We have learnt that he had strengthen his city by using Unity to gather his people together, we learnt about what is Unity, and how it brings people together. After we took notes, we decided to make slides about the whole thing, so we can add our research and information all into the slides.

I found this activity historical because in the past, there are many differences about the maori kings and queens in the past.

Speeches 2024

LI: to hook up audience with a persuasive speech.

This week our class was working on speeches to take part of a speech competition, in front of our school. We decided to make a copy of a template to get started on making a speech, by using the 5 important body parts of a speech, introduction, body paragraph 1, body paragraph 2, counterargument, and conclusion. The way we want our speeches to be like, is like a speech with meaningful expression, pause, eye contact, known from your heart, and true information. Next when we filled up the template with our writing skills to make a speech, we started to make cue cards. We started to make cue cards by making 2×3 tables on a Google doc to print it out, so when it gets printed, we will cut it out, looking like cards to, the fact that we made cue cards, is to speak our speech even if we haven’t memorised it or not. After we did that we used a web named Adobe Express, we used it to erase the noise from the background while recording. After that we got into groups of 4’s and 5’s to test the cue cards out when it was printed, we tested it just by using highlights, the red highlight means to use expression and the green highlight means to pause for a breath. When we finished telling our speeches, we voted for 1 person in each group to be in the finals, which our lucky talented competitors that were voted, was Aliyan, Melle, Lisea, Siniva, Louis, and Dalilah. When we finished listening to their fabulous speeches, we took a break to save our work for next week.

I found this activity challenging because it took me a while to learn my speech, even though I didn’t get voted to be in the finals, I’m still proud.

Long Division

LI: to calculate quotients of whole numbers, using long division.

This week our group learnt how to use long division against simple division problems. Basically long division is a dividing method which requires to divide large numbers into small numbers. The key for the method to work is that the secret is that we use divide, multiply, subtract, bring down and repeat in the specific order that I have spoken. Long division is like comparing reality with Maths.

Why Are Language Weeks Important?

LI: to research why language weeks are important.

This week our class has learnt about why language weeks are important. We decide to get into groups of 4, which I paired up with Louis, Beniz and Angie. We researched on a website that our teacher sent us, for us to take some notes about what’s been going on from the 70’s to today. We are learning about this because today is “Maori Language Week”. We noticed, while we were taking notes from a video about the 70’s, we realised it has a connection with the legacy of the maori kings and queens, and also a connection with the treaty of waitangi. Someone named Nga Tamatoa decided to lead the maori people because they were sick of the british people because they took over new zealand, which Nga Tamatoa decided to gather the maori people together to convince the british, to give the maori people a chance, to speak their language. According to the 20’s, there are many differences between the 70’s and this year.

I found this activity historical because it suprises me that there are some stories that have connections with the Nga Tamatoa story.

Water Safety

LI: to learn how to be safe in the water.

Today this week our class went out for swim, to learn about many hazards that could possibly be around you when you swim, how to swim and what to do if you are lost in the middle of a place that requires water like oceans. We decided to make a DLO about water safety as a reminder for us to be safe around water, like using a life jacket. Right above is a picture of my Water Safety DLO.

I found this activity historical because the true fact about all of this, is that there will always be water hazards, depends on if we magically lose all the water on our planet because of water pollution.


Duffy’s 30th Birthday Celebration

This week our school decided to have a celebration of someone’s birthday, Duffy, (Duffy is a special person to us because he has been giving out free books to kids in our school since 1999, 1999 was when our school started to help, the point of Duffy’s dream was to make kids realise, reading books is cool and also educational). We started off with decorations and gifts all around the hall for Duffy. We decided to make party hats and design boxes for books as a reading suprise. Then we settled out some chairs and mats for people to sit on, especially extra chairs at the front for our visitors. When we were ready we got in position, settleing our classes, keeping the school updated about any new updates thats happen, and to sing songs, and 2 very special song for Duffy, “Read about it” and “Happy Birthday”. My favourite part about Duffy’s Birthday is that the school got to meet a police officer, a person that can do a donald duck impression and 2 girls called Crystal and Trina. The school had plenty of cake sent to each class after the duffy birthday celebration.

I enjoyed joining along to celebrate Duffy’s 30th Birthday.

Comrades Marathon.

LI: to make connections with myself, the text, and the world.

This week me and my group read a story about a marathon named the “Comrades Marathon”, (a marathon is basically a long foot distance race, most marathons are 42 km long). We started off by predicting what the text would be about, I predict marathons because I use pictures and the title of the story as evidence to back up my prediction. Then we added some more effort to our commenting by using words like “might, should, could, would” and also “because” to make our comments a little more deeper. We learnt that the Comrades Marathon is a 87 kilometers, 54 miles and a 12 hour run. We also learnt that the meaning of the word “Endurance” is similar to motivation, to never give up on what your focusing.

I found this activity motivational because I have learnt to not give up on what I want to focus on, like using Endurance.