Maori Wardens.

Today me and my partners task was to read 2 links of a text about maori wardens, we learned that maori wardens have been supporting and helping people like us for over 150 years without getting paid, because they are the people that have been supporting us including helping out with the police across new zealand.

Moment in Time with Maungarei

Today me and my group’s task was to talk about what we heard, saw, felt and wondered of us walking up the mountain, which was to compare all of that to our work which is in a DLO. What I liked about this activity was about talking about our maunga/mountain.

I enjoy this activity because I want to improve my learning on trying to compare myself to other people.

Moment in Time

Today me and my group’s task was to watch a video of a man hiding from a polar bear, and comparing it with ourselves of what would we hear, see, feel and think, only if that was us in the video hiding from the polar bear. What I liked about this activity was that we would get to share the things of what we would hear, see, feel and think.

I enjoy this activity because of learning how to compare other peoples adventures and journeys to myself.

2024 Blog Count

Today our task was to count all our blogs that are from 2020 and 2023, which is like a 2024 task so I can restart and start on my 2024 blog posts on my edublog/blog blurb, I know that I have 234 blog posts because I used my maths by adding up each of my blog posts from each year or each month, and that I added some information and I took a picture of it. I liked this activity because I liked this activity because my favourite subject is maths.

I enjoy this activity because I like achieveing my goals and blogging it.

Sound Focus DLO

Today our task was to make a DLO of sound focus, which we are focusing on the sounds of the vowels, there are two differents types of sounds of the vowels, the short vowels and the long vowels, the long vowels sounds say the letters name while the short vowels sounds say the sounds of the letter. I liked this activity because of learning more about the vowels and the sounds of it.

I enjoy this activity because I like finding out about new words, sounds and sounds of vowels.

Care Values X Treaty of Waitangi

Today me and my group’s task was to write about our school care values compared to the Treaty of Waitangi. Our school care values are confidence, attitude, respect and excellence, which me and my group compared them to the story of the Treaty of Waitangi. I liked this because it shows information of the discovery of NZ.

I enjoy this activity because I liked finding out information of the discovery of how the maori people found NZ.

Taniwha Name

Today my task was to create my name disguised as a taniwha. A taniwha is a maori monster that is made up in maori traditional stories, which I chose a sea taniwha. I liked doing my taniwha name because it shows of who I am.

I enjoy this activity because it includes my name with a taniwha.

Chinese Lantern Festival

Today me and my group’s task was to find information about the Chinese Lantern Festival. Me and my group liked doing this activity because it is important for the chinese people and that it is fun to find out new information about things that are not even related to us.

I enjoy this activity because I like celebrating the Chinese Lantern Festival.


Statistics DLO

Today our task was to find out information about how much activites do you do during your free time.  I liked doing the statistics DLO because it will show information about many people in our school which I like making friends. (Most people like games, the lowest options are family and study while others chose tracing, drawing and listening to music).

I enjoy this activity because I like knowing about people.

Vision Boards

Our task was to make a vision board of your goals and who would you like to be when your older. My goals is to be like uncle Keaon Koloamatangi because my dream is to be tough, go to college and be in a team like the sydney rabbitohs. I like doing vision boards because it shows what college I want to be in or what my goals are.

I enjoy this activity because of showing my goals.