Chinese Lantern Festival

Today me and my group’s task was to find information about the Chinese Lantern Festival. Me and my group liked doing this activity because it is important for the chinese people and that it is fun to find out new information about things that are not even related to us.

I enjoy this activity because I like celebrating the Chinese Lantern Festival.


Statistics DLO

Today our task was to find out information about how much activites do you do during your free time.  I liked doing the statistics DLO because it will show information about many people in our school which I like making friends. (Most people like games, the lowest options are family and study while others chose tracing, drawing and listening to music).

I enjoy this activity because I like knowing about people.

Vision Boards

Our task was to make a vision board of your goals and who would you like to be when your older. My goals is to be like uncle Keaon Koloamatangi because my dream is to be tough, go to college and be in a team like the sydney rabbitohs. I like doing vision boards because it shows what college I want to be in or what my goals are.

I enjoy this activity because of showing my goals.


Today our task was to write down our pepeha. My pepeha tells many things about myself and my family, (a pepeha is something that introduces you in maori), I like writing down pepeha’s because it helps a lot with my blogs and that it helps introducing myself.

I enjoy this activity because it includes about me and my culture.

My Pepeha

LI: To write and say our Pepeha.

I have written a Pepeha for people to understand who I am. A Pepeha is introducing yourself to others in Maori. I can communicate with others by sharing my connections with many people. The point of our experience is to learn other people’s culture and where they are from.

I found this activity interesting and fun because I enjoy learning other languages and to getting to know other people.

Care values

This week me and my group’s activity was to make a DLO of our care values compared with the treaty of waitangi, our school care values stand for confidence, attitude, respect, and excellence, for example: being confident is like being brave and risking things, and comparing to the treaty of waitangi way the maori chiefs, they were brave enough to sign the treaty even though some maori people disagreed.

I enjoyed this activity because I love learning about other cultures.


Today this week me and my group did shot put for hpe.

First our coach tells us to get into groups of 3 or 4’s, get into lines behind cones, and use the shot put balls to do a shot put.

Next we had to hit the cones that were infront of us but by using control just by pushing the ball forward so the ball can go past the cone slowly.

Lastly we had to do competetion by seeing who can push their shot put ball further.

I enjoyed doing shot put. I did well at aiming. I need to improve at pushing the ball further.

Pencil Case Design

Today I made a pencil case design with my group.

First I partnered up with a student named nio to make a pencil case.

Next we decorated it, bought it on sale which it only costs 1 token, the whole class was told that we can get only 5 tokens to buy something from the other classrooms, which means the whole school got 5 things by using 5 tokens from each other classrooms, which there was free ice blocks, pet rocks, spinners, friendship bracelets, bookmarks, pencil cases, play dough, and slime.

Lastly before we went to our class we got free ice blocks and we came back to our classroom, and started our blog post.

I enjoyed making a pencil case. I did well using my tokens wisely. I need to improve myself on designing.



Today I learned about my designs, (my designs are pencil cases and bookmarks).

First I made a poster by using Google drawings.

Next I started my designs by tracing images around.

Lastly I bought my designs on sale which 1 pencil case or bookmark costs 1 dollar, finished the sale part and started my blog post.


This week me and my group learned about money, and how to use money by using math strategies like algorithm.

First I made a copy of a Google slide that my teacher sent me for using images of cents and dollars, which 100 cent goes into 1 dollar, and dollar goes before and cents goes after.

Next I did a puzzle that says my teacher sent me 5 dollars which I have to buy something with 5 dollars but I have to at least buy 2 items just from a shop website.

Lastly I had to add names from the 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 bill, even from the back of the note, the name of the birds on the back of the bills, and started my blog post.